Tips about Packing, Resorts and Souvenirs

People on line are constantly asking what shoes are best for wdw. Thing is, there isnt one. Like my huband only wears one brand. and i havent found a pair to walk out of store in that brand. he cant even get one foot in his size in my brand. you need to go to a running store, not a sporting goods store, and have them evaluate your walk and your feet. then buy them far enough in advance that you can be sure. most of those stores i've seen will take them back in 30 days (before your trip lol). then get 2 pairs so you can switch off!! but some will say crocs, my DD wears crocs about 250 or more days a year and wont wear them at disney. what works for others may not work for you. find a professional!!

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As a DVC member we like to use our perks as efficiently as possible. We order all our drinks and snacks from the grocery service Water Butlers a week before we arrive. They are extremely efficient and our order is always perfect. Then when we go to the park we don't waste time standing in line for expensive water and snacks. We even buy the Mickey ice cream bars from them for waaaay cheaper than at the park. Sunscreen, batteries, and shampoo are also in every order. Play smart!

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There are a few MVI (most valuable items) that were a necessity. One of the best things that was recommended to us was to buy a poncho before heading to the parks. When it poured, I was thankful that we were able to keep dry. Another MVI is a Brita waterfilter bottle. This saved us so much from the Florida heat in June. Plus we saved alot of money able to refill the water bottle. Lastly, a portable hand fan was perfect for the mugginess.

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Buy a box of ziploc bags before you go. They can be used to carry your own snack in and save any left over snacks bought in the park. You can put your wet clothing in them after it rains, and even organize your backpack items in them for a quicker time through security, and finding items in your bag.

Also, bring your own hand sanitizer. Disney does provide it after every ride, but some of them leave a sticky residue that make you want to immediately wash your hands.

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If you're already on the bus on the way to the park and realize you forgot to use deodorant, go to a cashier at one of the main stores. I stopped in Magic Kingdom at the Emporium and they had a mini size deodorant. I think it was $3. - Linda

EDITOR'S NOTE: This is a good tip to keep in mind for many similar toiletries and over-the-counter medications (aspirin, antacid, etc.). At the main store in each park, like the Emporium or MouseGear, they keep a selection of these sorts of items out of sight. Just ask a cast member and they'll send you to the proper counter so you can purchase them.
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No room for your refillable mug in your suitcase? Clean it out and put small gift items (or even clothing) inside to save room. - Kristy B.
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No room for your refillable mug in your suitcase? Clean it out and put small gift items (or even clothing) inside to save room. - Kristy B.
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I'm planning a trip to Disney's Aulani, and I just learned that they now have the Daily 'Iwa, Aulani's daily activity schedule (sort of like the Disney Cruise Line's Navigator) online. This is a great way to try to plan your stay with all of the activities that are offered around the resort. The Daily 'Iwa shows events for the next 10 days, so check it just before your trip! You can find it HERE. - Debbie
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Just recently stayed at the All-Star Movies Resort in a refurbished room. They have a hard surface flooring now instead of carpet. You might want to bring slippers as the floor gets cold! - Alan G
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If you plan on getting new shoes for The World, break them in on nightly walks, when your feet are puffy at the end of the day. I've also worn my new kicks, shoes, socks, sandals, etc, on my treadmill for a half-hour a day. Not only does it help break them in, but it's an easy way to figure out if the shoes really fit well, where they rub, if my toes are squished, if my feet will be sore in the following days. Figuring this out at home sure beats being miserable on vacation. AND, it helps prep my body for all the walking that I'll be doing. (BONUS: My new shorts will fit better, too!) - Kara
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I always loved purchasing the antenna toppers -- I must have at least 50 for all the seasons. But our cars no longer have antennas. So I found a new use for them. I purchased a package of inexpensive pens and put them into the toppers. Presto! A cute Disney pen for every season. - Barb Carpenter
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Don't forget to bring a blanket or two from your little one's crib/bed at home, and put it in the room crib if you're getting one. At least that gives them the smell of their own bed and a little comfort from home to help them adjust to a new place. It'll only take a few trips to adjust your little travelers to a life outside their comfort zones. - Kara
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If you're like me, you might collect a Christmas tree bauble (or two) from the World each time you visit -- perhaps with a year on to commemorate a trip. Trouble is, we now have too many for our Christmas tree to easily support! As an alternative, I got some cheap curtain rods -- the telescoping sort -- wrapped them in tinsel, and mounted them along wall shelves, then suspended the baubles from them. It spreads the Disney all around the room, and hey, there's room for lots more! - Matthew
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Recently stayed at Disney's Old Key West Resort. If you ever end up being the "lucky one" to draw the pull-out couch, remember that you can always call Housekeeping to request an egg-crate mattress cover. Wow! What a difference! - Dan Murphy
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Recently stayed at Disney's Old Key West Resort. If you ever end up being the "lucky one" to draw the pull-out couch, remember that you can always call Housekeeping to request an egg-crate mattress cover. Wow! What a difference! - Dan Murphy
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