Tips about Food & Beverage, Resorts and Souvenirs

If you are looking to have one of the world famous Monte Cristo Sandwiches at disneyland, you have two choices: The Blue Bayou Restaurant or the Cafe Orleans. Although the Blue Bayou has wonderful atmosphere, the cost of the sandwich is double what it is at Cafe Orleans. Cafe Orleans is more of a small bistro type of restaurant. So if you are on a budget, you can get the same thing for half the price if you are willing to forgo the ambience. Also note that the Monte Cristo sandwich is available for lunch and dinner at Cafe Orleans, but is only on the lunch menu at Blue Bayou. - Janet Sherby
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Another use for the flashing hoops, other than hanging them around your neck -- We attracted smiles and positive comments when we attached the light-up/flashing hoops to the wheels of my husband's wheelchair. We fed them through the spokes and as he wheeled along they added a bit of fun and uniqueness. As an added bonus, when moving around the parks after dark (we used them in the Studios and Epcot) they make the chair very visible, especially in crowds. Because they can be turned off, the power cell is fairly long lasting and we have been able to reuse them on our second visit. We're taking them with us to Hong Kong disneyland in early September, which we are very much looking forward to. - Jo Cowan
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Missed buying that souvenir before your trip ended? You can call Disney Merchandising and have any WDW park or resort item shipped to you. Call 1-407-363-6200. For disneyland merchandise, call DelivEARS at 1-800-362-4533 to have it shipped via UPS. - Timeless Tip o' the Week brought to you by and Mike C. and Jennifer
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