45 Thoughts I Had Watching ‘Home Alone 2’ For the First Time Since Childhood

‘Tis the season to watch all the Christmas movies!

Home Alone 2 ©20th Century

While ElfChristmas VacationSanta Clause, and Home Alone are all must-watches for me this time of year, there was one holiday movie I hadn’t seen since I was a kid — Home Alone 2. It’s been at least twenty years since I last saw this gem of a film, and I was very curious to watch it with older eyes. So, what did I think? Well, here’s some of my most notable observations.

45 Thoughts I Had Watching Home Alone 2

1. I’m on the edge of my seat because I very genuinely don’t remember how his parents possibly forget him again and leave him alone in New York.

2. As a major Succession fan, bebe Kieran Culkin is sending me.

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3. For someone coasting by on all-expenses-paid vacations, Uncle Frank is a GROUCH.

4. Aww, poor KEVIN!!

5. Catherine O’Hara saying maybe Kevin will get his wish to spend the holidays alone again this year…FORESHADOWING.

6. Listen, I get we gotta suspend disbelief here, but if I were this family that left my child ALONE FOR CHRISTMAS just a year previously, I’d probably be keeping a pretty close eye on him.

7. FUN FACT! This “Talkboy” Kevin keeps showing directly to camera? Apparently, it was a real novelty toy they made it released along with the film!

8. Oh nooo Kevin’s following his dad’s doppelganger! Luckily this flight attendant will check his ticket and see it’s the wrong flight right?

9. Welp, nope. Guess they’re just going by the honor system for this plane.

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10. Can we all just take a minute to bask in the glory of Catherine O’Hara?

11. This airline lady (aka Allison from The Breakfast Club) in New York is entirely nonplussed by a clearly lost child.

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13. Well, well, well WHAT ARE THE CHANCES that Harry and Marv would be in New York City of all places?!

14. Poor misunderstood Pigeon Lady, I’m sure she’s a sweetheart under that avian exterior.

15. Please tell me I’m not the only one who DREAMED of going to the Plaza because of Eloise.

16. Not sure what’s going on with Tim Curry and Rob Schneider, but they seem SUSPICIOUS.

17. UMM did the Plaza give approval for this film where the hotel staff allows a child to check-in and has a bellhop that goes snooping through bags?!

18. Why is OG Pennywise sneaking into Kevin’s hotel room??? Kev attracts thieves like moths to a flame, my goodness.

19. So can we all agree Kevin grew up to have a fabulous career in engineering?

20. I remember as a kid thinking if I ever had a FULL pizza in a limo I’d have really made it in life.

21. DID JOE PESCI JUST REAL LIFE SMACK THOSE PIGEONS?! I hope they get their revenge later.

22. Their grand plan is to…rob a toy store? I mean, I guess I’d expect nothing less from the duo previously known as the Wet Bandits.

22. Ruh-roh, Harry just spotted Kevin. Alexa, play “it’s a small world”.

23. Okay, the quick thinking on the pearls may be Kevin’s most ingenious move yet.


24. I mean, the volume capabilities on this 90s TV are impressive.

25. I feel like if I were Marv and Harry and on the run from jail, I’d probably just let the kid live his life. But, THAT’S JUST ME.

26. Umm, seeing the McAllister’s Florida digs, I think Kevin made the right choice with the Plaza.

27. AWW Pigeon Lady is nice! She just really needs to learn how to make less creepy introductions (also, Alexa, play Feed the Birds, please)

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28. Not gonna lie, every scene with the pigeons makes me think of this, which may be my favorite video Molly has ever taken.

29. Can we get a spin-off of Pigeon Lady?! She seems like she has got a STORY TO TELL.

30. So Kevin either became an engineer or a wonderful therapist when he grew up, the little man is full of insights.

31. Oh boy, I legit forgot this was a Christmas movie for a hot second there. But it’s CHRISTMAS EVE!!

32. “You can mess with a lot of things, but you can’t mess with kids on Christmas.” So basically this is a REVENGE STORY.

33. Take this as you will, but I think I can concede that Kevin McAllister is smarter than me.

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34. Kevin’s aunt and uncle are in for a SURPRISE when they go back to their apartment after France.

35. I feel like Nick Fury needs to get in touch with Marv and Harry because these two are IMPOSSIBLE TO INJURE.

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36. THAT AIM!!! Ok, so Kevin could be an engineer, therapist, OR baseball player.

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37. OMG THE STAPLE GUN I’M HAVING FULL BODY CRINGES. This may be one of the most violent movies I’ve ever seen.

38. I’m starting to genuinely believe that Marv and Harry are cursed immortal beings, a la the Pirates of the Black Pearl.

39. OH NO

40. OH NO


42. This genuinely might be the most insane movie I’ve ever watched.


44. All in all, Kevin got to take down Marv and Harry again, help save the holidays for the kids, stayed at the Plaza, and still spend Christmas with his fam. Doesn’t sound too shabby!

45. Potentially hot take — I would’ve thought that hotel bill would’ve been higher.

OKAY, that movie was a trip. I can honestly say that, despite seeing the original Home Alone dozens of times, I did not remember much of the sequel! Maybe it’s my far more rickety bones, but boy, I felt some of those movie injuries!

While this guy may not hold a candle to the original in my eyes, I will fully admit I had a great time watching it, and will remain eternally grateful that the pigeons got their revenge on Joe Pesci.

For more of my (and the other RTT cast’s) thoughts on Christmas movies, be sure to check out RTT: Reacting to Millennials’ Favorite Christmas Movies below!

What is your favorite Christmas movie to watch? Let us know in the comments below!

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