I’m Not a Runner, But I’m Working on My Ways

by Libby Goldberg

When asked to write a post for the Team AllEars Running Blog I was
flattered and also nervous. What do I have to say that is important?
What do I have to say to motivate anyone? Most importantly, my lack
of experience makes me very under-qualified to give any advice. So
what do I have to say about myself? I am a not a runner, but I am
working on my ways.

I was never “bitten” by the running bug and if you ever saw my family
you would know that my gene pool makes my un-athletic ability shine
through. I was never a star athlete during high school; I was never
on any of the athletic teams at West Springfield High School actually.
I still had always thought to myself that I would like run a marathon
someday. It was a thought that crossed my mind, sort of in passing,
and quickly vanished without further actions taken towards my goal.
Then this January I made the New Year resolution that most make, get in shape and eat better. The idea behind that resolution was that I would start to run which is the first step to my long-term goal.
There it started; I was working on my mindset and trying to change my unhealthy patterns into healthy ones.

Well sure, I, like many others, did not follow through with my
resolution. That was until about February, I was asked to accompany a friend of mine at the St. Patrick’s Day 8K that was at the end of
March. I agreed on the spot without thinking about the training or
any other aspect involved in running a race. I signed up, still
blinded with excitement by the idea of running. I was motivated and
after a little bit of research (not much at all), I joined a gym and
hit the treadmill. I had an only a month to train for the race and
that is what I did. I went to the gym EVERY DAY for an entire month.
Race day finally came and at that point I was feeling confident and
felt conditioned enough to run the entire distance. I was wrong.
Midway through I was tired and beyond burnt out, the treadmill was not the proper training and I had pushed myself too hard, too quickly. I finished the race with a sense of accomplishment of completing the race, slight disappointment in my inability to run the entire 8K, and a late lunch at my favorite Washington, DC Mexican restaurant, Cactus Cantina. I had run, but was a long way to becoming a runner.


After the St. Patrick’s Day 8K, I did not go to the gym for about six
weeks, I was burnt out and the gym had not remained an enjoyable
experience. Then I started going and working out but not really
running. I rode the bike or elliptical and lifted weights. The
treadmill was not getting any of my attention. Then I saw a post from
Mike Scopa, I was his friend on Facebook because of his fabulous
podcast (WDW Today), about Team AllEars and joined just as spontaneously as I signed up for my first race. This time though I had a plan, I was going to start running, I had the motivation, I love Disney World and I wanted to run so adding the two together made perfect sense. I learned that being a member of a running team did not make you a runner and signing up for a race meant I had to start running again. I started easing my way back into running. Shortly after joining Team AllEars, I signed up for the half-marathon. I was so excited!

Still motivation was lacking, I talked to team mate Brad Garfinkel about other races and then decided that I needed short-term goals along with my long-term goals. I signed up for the Hershey Half-Marathon Relay with team mate Barb Kennedy, Hot Chocolate 15K , Wicked 10K, and am hoping to get a Thanksgiving race in there also. Spaced out goals with increasing distances pushes me and keeps me motivated and forces me bring my “A” game every day.

Keep in mind that I am also a teenager, I just turned 19 in June
and like most teenagers I love sleep, junk food, and I procrastinate,
wait doesn’t everyone do those things? Anyways, I still was slacking
as the summer months came along, but I started a Couch to 10K program and have been following that and am on track for the Hershey Half Relay in October. I do not consider myself a runner yet because I have not done many races yet, I will get there someday and until then I will restart my training, re-evaluate goals, and enjoy every moment.

My attitude toward running has completely changed from a year ago and I cannot deny that Team AllEars has been a part of that. I will
eventually reach my goal of running a marathon and I hope to one day complete the Goofy Challenge and earn the Coast to Coast medal. Right now though, I will follow my C210K program, eat right, and study hard in school. I’m not a runner, but I’m working on my ways.


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2 Replies to “I’m Not a Runner, But I’m Working on My Ways”

  1. If you run, you are a runner. No need to feel modest or uncomfortable saying it. As I’m sure you’ve learned, the running community is extremely warm and accepting. No one will question your self-proclamation. You? Are a runner.

  2. Great blog! I have finished 2 5k runs and am at the “burnt” out stage now. I hate even looking at a treadmill,but I keep trying to remind myself of how proud I was when I had ran those 5K’s. This gave me some motivation to get going again!