On Sunday, November 22, Space Mountain reopened after a seven-month rehab — just in time for the holidays.
One of the first things you might notice is the old, adjacent Tomorrowland Skyway Terminal has been razed, save the restrooms. In its place, the Imagineers added a nice plaza. This is a welcome change and adds an open feeling to this area. Other than that, the exterior and entrance is pretty much as it was.
The queue area is where you’ll find some of the most obvious changes. When you first enter the mountain, you come face-to-face with a large advertisement for space travel. The sign reads, “Welcome Space Travelers – STARPORT SEVEN-FIVE – Your Gateway to the Galaxy.” The “SEVEN-FIVE” is in reference to the year Space Mountain opened, 1975. On the side panel you’ll find references to all the Active Earth Stations, each with a nod to the five mountains around the world.
Tomorrowland MK-1 (Magic Kingdom )
TL Space Station 77 (Disneyland)
Discovery Landing Station (Disneyland Paris)
Ashita Base (Tokyo Disneyland)
HK Spaceport (Hong Kong Disneyland)
As you venture deeper into the mountain, a number of space-maps line the wall referencing the various routes available for travel from the Starport.
The biggest change to the queue is the addition of 87 video-game stations along the path. These were added to help occupy your time while waiting in line. I rode Space Mountain first thing in the morning and none of the terminals were activated. I don’t know if this is because at this time of day, there is no time to play, or if this is because these games are still being fine tuned and not ready yet. In any case, there are four games for guests to play and they will help further the story of interstellar vacation travel. This could include clearing a runway of asteroids or moving cargo from one location to another.
The final queue areas have been covered with a dome. You can no longer see the overhead star fields while waiting in line. Blue neon lights illuminate the area.
For months, rumors have been rampant that a sound system, similar to Rock ‘N’ Roller Coaster would be added to the ride vehicles. I’m sorry to report, this did not happen. For the most part, the rockets look pretty much as they did before the rehab except that they no longer have the glow-in-the-dark strip along the sides. Your ride through space is quiet except for the occasional scream.
The Imagineers darkened the ride so it is more difficult to see the track ahead. Also, your picture is taken at the beginning of the journey. The flashing strobe used to illuminate you also dilates your eyes, making it more difficult to see in the dark.
The track was recalibrated for a smoother and quieter experience, however the basic layout is identical to before. To be honest, I didn’t notice any improvement in the ride. To me, it was as jerky and rough as always. But it did seem quieter.
At the end of the ride, you can view your on-board picture which can be purchased in the adjacent Tomorrowland Video Arcade.
The long exit through the mountain has seen a few minor changes. The first is a baggage claim area and a revamped Command Center.
As you ride the moving sidewalk, you’ll notice TV monitors have been added to the various space-age scenes. These display advertisements for the many far off and exotic places you can visit leaving from the Starports.
The Tomorrowland Transit Authority still runs through the middle of Space Mountain. But since the queue areas have been covered by a dome, there is less to see. The Space Station remains the major sight during this portion of the ride.
Space Mountain does use FastPass and I strongly recommend using this tool. I arrived at opening today and made Space Mountain my first attraction. By the time I exited at 9:30, it already had a 45-minute line.
If you were expecting major changes to Space Mountain, you’re going to be disappointed. But Disney has created a new storyline and tweaked several of the areas. Bottom line, if you liked Space Mountain before, you’re going to like it now — and the opposite is also true.
My family was able to ride SM pretty soon after it reopened. (We were there during Thanksgiving week). Although my 10 year old son LOVED it and rode it numerous times, I have to agree that I missed being able to see the track above and watch the cars go by with their reflective stripes on the side. I also agree with Jack in that the ride seemed just as jerky to me as it has always been, but to me seemed worse because of taking your picture right at the beginning. (Which by the way could make one prone to dizziness really affected by the ride). The cars did not seem any bigger to me. I am a larger person and did have plenty of leg room, but try to avoid taking a pack with you if at all possible, because you don’t enter and exit and the same place and must find some place for the pack to fit. I had to place the pack in my lap and lock the straps of the pack around my lapbar before the CM would allow the car to proceed. I did get to see the video games in action- good idea to keep people occupied while waiting, especially since the ride broke down numerous times while we were there. I was disappointed that you can no longer see much of the track while riding the TTA-that was always part of the fun for me.
Just got back from the Magic Kingdom today. I rode the updated version of Space Mountain and really couldn’t tell a difference on the ride. It is ok but nothing big. The best part of the ride was it took me only about 10 minutes to do it, including the ride itself. I will not be wasting a Fastpass ticket on it during a busy time.
Jack’s Comment:
You might want to rethink getting a FastPass. Space Mountain’s hourly capacity has not changed and it still generates hour-long lines during the day.
We just got back from Disneyland and went on thier Space Mountain.My wife and duaghter prefered Disneylands version better.Double seated cars and smoother ride really enhanced the thrill.The ride in Disneyland also seemed darker and smoother.We are going to Disneyworld (again) for christmas(daughters birthday) so we will be looking forward to try the upgrade thou it seems as they didnt change the cars.
I just arrived home from my most recent trip to Walt Disney World. I’m ashamed to say that in all my previous visits, I haven’t experienced Space Mountain before. Never a roller coaster enthusiast, I didn’t really think I would care for it. However, on my last day, I “got up my nerve” and took the plunge. It was magnificent! I had no idea what I’d been missing all these years! It is only a little more intense than Big Thunder Mountain Railroad – largely due to one drop and the fact that it is in the dark.
I can’t speak to the changes in this attraction due to the recent rehab. I did see the video games in the queue, but due to the short line (we arrived at the park early!) I didn’t have time to spend much time with them.
Being a rather large person – short but a bit wide – I can say that I found the ride vehicle a perfect fit, in spite of my rather wide behind.
I heartily give this attraction two thumbs up! My father, who has neck problems, was not as enthusiastic, but other than the jostling did enjoy it.
I’m a little bummed that we can’t see the stars while we’re waiting. That was actually my favorite part. But, I guess it makes sense to have the line covered before you blast off in to space. I like the idea of the interactive games in line too. Those games bring people together, which is wonderful! Thanks for the review!
Thanks for the great review as always Jack. I have to say, I’m disappointed at the closing of the interior dome. One of the best UNIQUE experiences of the ride for me was seeing the cars running overhead with the glow strip on their sides.
To all those bemoaning Disney’s decision to not re-image Space Mountain to be like its counterpart in Anaheim — Remember, WDW already has the Aerosmith Rock N’ Roller Coaster. It doesn’t make sense to have two major attractions on property so similarly themed. Rockin’ Space Mountain in Disneyland works because it’s the only enclosed roller coaster at the resort — with combined elements from both WDW’s Space Mountain and the Aerosmith coaster. Also (as others have stated), WDW’s Space Mountain is the original Space Mountain (actually more based in terms of track layout to be similar to Disneyland’s Matterhorn), and it’s nice to see Disney (for once) try and retain some of its heritage when it comes to attractions.
Wow, what a dissapoinment. I am glad now that I did NOT decide to make a trip down in December for my birthdday. I was doing so just to experience the “New” Space Mountain…but after what I read sounds like a waste of a trip. After riding Space Mountain in Disneyland, I was hoping Magic Kingdom would do it better….oh well. Gotta find a way to make it to Space Mountain Mission 2 someday…
I got a chance to ride it and its basically just the same, just with a few improvements. From what I noticed the track was darker, and the ride seemed smoother. The games in the line are just buttons as you press as your walking, basically everyones pressing them as they pass by, unless your at standstill in line. The picture they take is in a weird place, it doesn’t blend in with the ride, it’s just there. Going on the PeopleMover (I forget the name they use now) you are not able to see the track area like you used to. Also, what I used to look foward to, is seeing the people in line waiting to get on, but now you can’t see it because its being blocked by the dome. Now, it is darker and you can’t see anything. In all, I think Space Mountain is a Disney classic and shouldn’t be changed. It should stay the same as it was when it opened in 1975.
Jack’s Comment:
The reason your picture is taken at the beginning of the ride is so the strobe (flash) will dilate your pupils at the start of the attractions. That way the ride will seem even darker than it actually is.
Hi Jack! We were lucky enough to ride Space Mountain during MVMCP on November 20th. It was awesome!! I thought the ride was smoother, and less jerky. Also, I think there was a surprise drop towards the end. Loved it, and can’t wait to do it again next year when we visit.
Hey Jack,
I also rode SM on opening day! My wife and I made it a priority to ride it first thing. No queue, just a quick 10 or so minutes and we were off.
We went back later that night to ride it again before we left. Since it was extra hours night we were attempting to get on at about midnight. The queue time was ~70 minutes. The games were up and running. I must say that they were a perfect diversion from standing there. We actually made some friends while we played (folks from Brazil)! The one downside to the games – people don’t move forward until the games are done.
Other then that, much happier with this ride compared to the last time I rode. I prefer them not making any major changes. So glad that they made it darker again!
Hey Jack
Thanks for all the great photos of space mountain! It is one of my favorite attractions in the magic kingdom and I can’t wait to ride it now that it has been reovated. I love the idea of getting a picture after you ride the ride. It adds a little more magic to the ride don’t you think so? Thanks again
I was really hoping that they were going to make it a little more like Space Mountain at Disneyland Paris (which is a lot like the Rockin’ Roller Coaster)- a little disappointing!
It’s kind of funny to hear that they’ve made the interior even darker. That’s always been the scariest thing about Space Mountain to me… the relative inability to see where the heck you were going so that each curve caught you off guard, sort of like a Wild Mouse ride (which I suppose is what it was modeled on) but in the dark. To think of it being even darker… yikes! (And by “yikes” I mean… um… can’t wait to ride it in March!)
Thanks, as always, for your great post!
I’ve been so excited about this refurbishment. The last time I rode was in 2004.At that time I wished that the feeling of being in space was bigger and brighter. When I was a kid it seemed like the stars and sense of bing in space was more noticeable, but when I rode it as an adult it was just dark, jerky and disappointing! It didnt’ look like we were in space. I was hoping that the refurbishment would make the actual “space” view better during the ride, like they would take a page from Rockin, and make the view from the space ship more of the ride. I’m disappointed to hear it’s darker and that they havn’t added to the view of space. Still, I’ll ride it in two days & see what I think for myself!
Thanks for the review Jack. Like many, I was expecting a major update to SM. I’m hoping it is a bit smoother so my wife will ride with me. She’s complained about back issues after riding in the past. I didn’t see it mentioned, but did the queue music change? That was one of my favorite parts of SM. Looking forward to riding in March.
Jack’s Answer:
I have had a couple of people tell me that they think Space Mountain is smoother than it was before, but personally, I didn’t notice much improvement. I’ve always avoided this ride because of its jerky movement and I will continue to avoid it in the future.
I too like the music played in the Space Mountain queue. However, I was so busy looking for upgrades and taking pictures I failed to notice. Sorry.
~Was waiting for this review for several months now:) We went this past May to WDW (although I did know ahead of time that SM would be closed for refurbishing, as well as the Transit Authority)our trip just didn’t feel the same. These are 2 of my all-time favorite rides & to me they go hand-in-hand! I was glad to hear that not much has been changed w/the attraction. My little girls always love to watch the SM ride while on transit authority (as they’re still not tall enough to ride) so taking away some of that visibiltiy may be a ‘negative’. It would’ve been nice if the imagineers could’ve found a way to incorporate ‘more’ of the SM attraction into the transit ride..We’ll be there in March~ we’re counting down the days!! Thanks for another informative review Jack!!
I will not read, I will not read … I love your blogs but we are going to be at WDW next month and I want to be surprised when we go on Space Mountain. I did cheat and look at the pictures – thanks for the sneak peak!!
Thanks for a very detailed update on the re-opening of Space Mountain. Hubby was hoping and heard rumor before the ride was to be re done that they were going to have 2 seats next to each other instead of the one, to add more riders and speed up the line, also we heard that the ride would be a lot smoother as hubby too felt he needed to see his chiropractor for a tweek after he was jerked around a bit! Still with all the above mentioned, he looks forward as do the rest of us for our ride next year on our annual Disney Trip!
Hi, Jack! Thanks for another great review. One of the responses to your review answered a question that had been nagging me for the last few years. On our honeymoon 20 years ago I got my wife to ride SM (her very first roller coaster though I didn’t tell her what it was ahead of time) and I could have sworn that the ride was dark and we couldn’t see the track very well. These last ten years or so I have ridden often with our children and we have been able of course to see the track. Now I realize that my memories were true. What a relief! Happy Thanksgiving!
A cast member told us that adding onboard sound to the cars would have necessitated raising the cars’ profile to accommodate the speakers, and doing that would require re-engineering the whole ride.
Jack’s Answer:
I read the same thing in the newspaper. It would not be a simple matter to add a sound system to Space Mountain. It’s too bad though. I really like the sound system on Space Mountain at Disneyland.
Thanks for the review. I am glad not much about the ride itself has changed. One of the best things about this ride for me is listening to my sister (my standard Disney traveling companion) giggle her way through the ride.
I do have a burning question though. I seem to recall from my very first ride on Space Mountain that during the exit, when you passed the scenes of scientists working and the dog sitting on the barren planet, the narrator mentioned something about the dog getting a bone and then saying, “Of course, he is a Retriever.” Am I crazy? And is all that removed now?
I’ve been watching AllEars everyday since the announced reopening watching for the news about WDW’s Space Mountain reopening…
Unfortunately my hopes have been more or less dashed by the report, although I’ll find out in about a week if the ride actually feels a bit better or faster.
I was hoping for a California DL Space Mountain experience being brought to Florida as a result of the rehab but the report more or less blows that out of the water. DL’s Space Mountain ROCKS…Oh well…the old WDW Space Mountain was okay…just can’t compete with CA’s version for speed and smoothness.
I’ll provide a personal review when I get back to Toronto.
Thanks Guys!
Excellent review. I for one am very excited about the new changes. I was so worried that would change usch a great classic ride. The changes that were made were minor but useful and fun. I quieter track and no glow in the dark stripe plus a darker ride all make for less anticipation for whats ahead. Covering the line and boarding are prevents people from being in the ride before you actually head out. It all sounds great. I cant wait to get on it!
Thanks for the report, Jack! I must confess I did expect more, but for the much I love SM , it doesn´t matter! Can´t wait till January to ride it!
Greetings from Brazil!
Theresa Konno
Hi Jack,
Thank you for the review we land in Orlando in 18 days and counting and I am very excited about Space mountain being open, Can you tell me have they changed the ride vehicals? my Husband is a larger guy and he strugled with the previous vehicals I woundered if they had made any improvments?
Kind Regards Debby x
Jack’s Answer:
Other than a new paint job, the Space Mountain vehicles have not changed.
I have to say, I’m glad they didn’t install a sound system in the cars. I rode Space Mountain in Disneyland and I HATED THAT NOISE!!!!! Sound doesn’t travel in space, so it’s actually more realistic (and more thrilling) if the ride is silent.
Hi Jack,
I am very disappointed they did not take out the old ride and put in an all new ride like Rockin.
I was sure that is what they were going to do.
Shows how much I know.
My wife and I are going the first weekend of December for Christmas Parade Taping so I am sure we will check it out.
Taking no kids so if it is too crowded, we may not fight the long line.
Thanks for the info. Jack, you may have saved us some valuable time in our day.
I rode the newly refurbished Space Mountain on either Tuesday or Wednesday of last week. The Fastpass machines were not on; the ride had a 10 minute standby time. Of course, SM was still listed as closed on the times guide and tip boards.
The queue line has definitely been cleaned up a bit, but the interactive games were not on. The line didn’t back up until after the split, so I’m not sure whether that was because they weren’t ready yet or if Disney didn’t want the line to slow down in the tunnel.
The new “domed” queue area prevents riders from seeing the track when the ride breaks down.
My impressions of the new ride are pretty simple: smoother and darker. It is definitely much harder to see the track. I didn’t feel quite as much lateral motion, making the ride smoother than before.
The gift shop was incredibly slow. Both of my kids wanted ride tags; I had to wait about ten minutes to purchase them. No line, but the CMs didn’t know how to handle the ride photo system.
We rode TTA right after SM. When we got to SM, the lights were on and the PA system was telling riders that their journey would resume soon. Other than clean paint, the track looked identical to the old one.
No more asteroids shooting by overhead??! That was replaced by a dome and squiggly blue lights? I am so disappointed.
That is most definitely a downgrade to the ride, not an improvement. That open area with the feeling of actual space all around you after the long and narrowly confined queue was part of the story, contributing greatly to the ambience of the attraction.
I’ve been looking forward to this refurbishment for a long time, but it sounds like they have diminished the value of this attraction rather than made a great ride even better.
I don’t care about onboard audio – that’s not what I ride a rollercoaster for – and I don’t mind the track being partially visible. The point of Space Mountain was that it took you into space, not that you rode a herky-jerky train through complete darkness. Where’s the story in that?
That said, I hate to judge before riding it for myself, but my expectations are no longer so grand as they once were. My trip to the World in a couple of weeks will let me see for myself.
I rode on Space Mountain the first year that it was at Magic Kingdom. It was my first roller coaster. I was scared to death and didn’t ride the thing until my 10th wedding anniversary. I was shaking I was so scared, but as the ride went on and I realized that my 9 year old mind had magnified the dangers, I actually enjoyed myself and now ride Space Mountain every time I go back to the world. I’m looking forward to the quieter ride although rockin’ music would have been welcome, too.
Thank you for the updates! I appreciate that you stay on top of all the newest developments at WDW and post the information so quickly.
It seems like the new games installed in the queue may cause “traffic jams” due to people stopping and staying to play the games. Do you think this will be the case?
I’m ashamed to say that even though I’m a Disney junkie, Space Mountain is one attraction that I have never done. Until a year ago, I was too nervous to experience any of them. I have started out small last year and got onto Big Thunder, but Space was closed the next time I was brave enough to try it. I went ahead to Expedition Everest, and let’s just say that ride does not agree with my stomach. I’ll have to work up the courage to try out Space at least once! I am clearly missing out on an amazing experience.
Thanks for the report!
I was able to ride during the soft opening. I agree with you the ride was very rough I felt no improvement. I was also disappointed with the new TTA. (one of my favorites) I miss the deep voice paging Tom Morrow.
Thanks so much for the great blogs.
For those of you who remember Space Mountain from a decade or so ago, you will notice that they have brought back the “ball pit” (with silver plastic balls) in the first room as you enter the Space Mountain building. Take a look down as you enter! Someone I know still has a ball from years and years ago.
The first time we visited The World, we missed Space Mountain. (Simply ran out of time). On our next trip we made it a priority, and were not disappointed. I am excited to see the improvements, but glad that the actual “ride” remains the same. And the fact that it is darker should really add to the excitement!
Thanks for your review and pictures, Jack!
I went over to MK on the 21st to ride Space Mountain. It was around 11:30 when I arrived and grabbed a FastPass with a return time of 1:15. The standby line was at 40 minutes. Upon getting the FastPass, I headed over to the WedWa… I mean Tomorrowland Transit Authority, and it was noticeably darker due to the domes added to the queue areas (and not just after seeing it the past few months with lights on!). My time had arrived, so it was time for me to see the queue I hadn’t seen since the day before it closed for refurbishment. The games were down, so I wasn’t able to see them in action, and the FastPass line still has the holograms. I liked the new ceilings inside with the holograms. They also added small doors at the loading area so it is no longer open to the track.
I sat in the very back on my maiden voyage. I felt the ride was a lot smoother, quieter, and noticeably darker. On my trip, I noticed the camera needed to be calibrated as only my arms made it into the picture. As for the exit queue, it’s still nothing spectacular. I don’t think the monitors with the advertisements really bring anything special, although I like the touches like the baggage claim. The TVs were covered by a curtain (like the descent on Spaceship Earth… do I sense a theme?) but I heard that it would be coming down. I’d rather see the curtain honestly, as the TVs only seemed to stop people in their tracks and hold up those of us who were on a mission to get to the next attraction! Overall, I’m happy with the refurb and the ride will remain a must see each time I head over to the World!
Thanks for the great review! Unfortunately, until they reconfigure the cars I will not be able to enjoy. Being a 6’6″ man of normal size, the cars are IMPOSSIBLE to sit in comfortably!
Good review Jack. I must admit that I was expecting a lot more from the Imagineers on this project. I would rather have the ride itself revamped then to add video games and a new view through the exit. I know that Disney must change to stay at the top of their game. These changes however have taken away two big elements that my family, since I was young traveling with my parents to now myself traveling with my children, have enjoyed over all the years. One being watching the “chocolate chip cookies” aka asteroids over head in the final queue. Two the monitors that would show us exiting the ride on the moving walkway. Guess it’s time to make new memories. We will be in WDW in Jan.
Thanks for the review. I am so glad they made it darker again. Last time I rode I could see the track and that ruined it for me.